
Welcome to Reel Talk, where I publish my own reviews and op-eds on films I watch.

My Personal Ballot: Reflecting on One of the Decade’s Best Years of Cinema

Kicking off 2020 has left little to be desired in the medium of film. Up till now I’ve only seen two movies and only enjoyed one of them. (Thank you, Birds of Prey) It’s become increasingly clear that 2019 was one of the best years in cinema since the fantastic offerings brought to us in…

My Thoughts: Top 10 Films of 2019

And thus, another calendar year (and decade!) has come and gone. 2019 brought many lows and highs in the world of film, bringing us stories untold as well as box-office records. This was the year of avenging, “eating the rich,” and the infamously popular #BongHive, among many other exciting phenomenons that threw the film community…

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